For some people, retirement is simply a chance to put their feet up and enjoy not going to work, but for others it offers the opportunity to move to a new country and begin a new life. Those who live in countries with cold and damp winters may yearn to get away to somewhere where […]
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A common lament that tourists make about their holidays abroad is that after a few weeks of eating out and not exercising, they have lost their usual momentum toward optimal good health. There is no reason, however, why travellers need to fall behind in their fitness routines. Indeed, a holiday can provide tourists with an […]
Read MoreIt’s been a long, cold winter. The temperature has finally started creeping up towards the average for this time of year, and the medium-term weather forecasts are finally looking positive. Foraging for wild mushrooms has also been delayed. A lot of plant growth is two or three weeks behind where one might expect it to […]
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It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but when it comes to understanding the soul of an entire nation, there may be no better way than to attend a major sporting event. After all, visiting the great art galleries and museums while abroad will only allow a tourist a […]
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Travelling abroad has a great deal to recommend it, but one of the very best things it can provide is a chance to try something completely new. Sand surfing, also known as sandboarding, is a recreational activity that cannot be experienced in many areas of the world. To try sand surfing for themselves, tourists must […]
Read MoreOne of the benefits of travel has always been the chance to experience alternate modes of living. Hundreds of years ago, this tended to refer mostly to cultural differences. In the modern age, however, technological differences can be just as profound, even when traveling exclusively in Europe. This is because not all European nations are […]
Read MoreA gap year experience is frequently touted as beneficial because it can help young people to promote themselves more effectively when it comes to university entrance or when they enter the job market. These are significant advantages, to be sure, but they are far from the only benefits that result from living abroad. Instead, a […]
Read MoreIn the land of make-believe and fairy tales, the idea of doing Walt Disney World on a budget might seem to be stretching the imagination a little too far, however with some advance planning, and an eye for a bargain, it’s perfectly possible to have a great vacation at a relatively affordable cost. Here are […]
Read MoreInterested in dance? Why not organise a holiday that focuses not on the natural wonders or cuisine of each nation visited, but instead concentrates on learning about traditional forms of dance? Although moving in choreographed ways in time with music seems to be a universally popular human trait, this impulse is expressed very differently from […]
Read MoreA tour of the world’s greatest waterfalls is both a way to get close to nature and to visit a great variety of fascinating nations on nearly every continent on the planet. Europe: Detifloss, Iceland Iceland is famous for its volcanoes, but nature lovers will be particularly impressed with the size and strength of Detifloss, […]
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